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Audio effects

Godot includes several audio effects that can be added to an audio bus to alter every sound file that goes through that bus.


Essayez-les tous pour avoir une idée de la façon dont ils modifient le son. Voici une brève description des effets disponibles :

Amplifier (Amplify)

Amplify changes the volume of the signal. Some care needs to be taken, though: setting the level too high can make the sound digitally clip, which can produce unpleasant crackles and pops.

Limite de Bande et Passe-Bande (BandLimit and BandPass)

Ce sont des filtres résonants qui bloquent les fréquences autour du point de coupure. BandPass peut être utilisé pour simuler le son passant par une ancienne ligne téléphonique ou un mégaphone. Moduler la fréquence du filtre BandPass peut simuler le son d'une pédale de guitare wah-wah, comme la guitare dans Voodoo Child (Slight Return) de Jimi Hendrix.


L'effet Capture copie les trames audio du bus audio sur lequel il se trouve dans un tampon interne. Cela peut être utilisé pour capturer des données à partir du microphone ou pour transmettre de l'audio sur le réseau en temps réel.

Chœur (Chorus)

As the name of the effect implies, the Chorus effect makes a single audio sample sound like an entire chorus. It does this by duplicating a signal and very slightly altering the timing and pitch of each duplicate, and varying that over time via an LFO (low frequency oscillator). The duplicate(s) are then mixed back together with the original signal, producing a lush, wide, and large sound. Although chorus is traditionally used for voices, it can be desirable with almost any type of sound.

Compresseur (Compressor)

A dynamic range compressor automatically attenuates (ducks) the level of the incoming signal when its amplitude exceeds a certain threshold. The level of attenuation applied is proportional to how far the incoming audio exceeds the threshold. The compressor's Ratio parameter controls the degree of attenuation. One of the main uses of a compressor is to reduce the dynamic range of signals with very loud and quiet parts. Reducing the dynamic range of a signal can make it fit more comfortably in a mix.

Le compresseur a de nombreuses utilisations. Par exemple :

  • It can be used in the Master bus to compress the whole output prior to being hit by a limiter, making the effect of the limiter much more subtle.

  • Il peut être utilisé sur les canaux vocaux pour s'assurer qu'ils sont aussi uniformes que possible.

  • It can be sidechained by another sound source. This means it can reduce the sound level of one signal using the level of another audio bus for threshold detection. This technique is very common in video game mixing to "duck" the level of music or sound effects when in-game or multiplayer voices need to be fully audible.

  • Il peut accentuer les transitoires en utilisant une attaque plus lente. Cela peut rendre les effets sonores plus percutants.


If your goal is to prevent a signal from exceeding a given amplitude altogether, rather than to reduce the dynamic range of the signal, a limiter is likely a better choice than a compressor for this purpose. However, applying compression before a limiter is still good practice.


Digital delay essentially duplicates a signal and repeats it at a specified speed with a volume level that decays for each repeat. Delay is great for simulating the acoustic space of a canyon or large room, where sound bounces have a lot of delay between their repeats. This is in contrast to reverb, which has a more natural and blurred sound to it. Using this in conjunction with reverb can create very natural sounding environments!

Distorsion (Distortion)

Makes the sound distorted. Godot offers several types of distortion:

  • Overdrive sounds like a guitar distortion pedal or megaphone. Sounds distorted with this sound like they're coming through a low-quality speaker or device.

  • Tan sounds like another interesting flavor of overdrive.

  • Bit crushing clamps the amplitude of the signal, making it sound flat and crunchy.

All three types of distortion can add higher frequency sounds to an original sound, making it stand out better in a mix.


EQ is what all other equalizers inherit from. It can be extended with Custom scripts to create an equalizer with a custom number of bands.

EQ6, EQ10, EQ21

Godot provides three equalizers with different numbers of bands, which are represented in the title (6, 10, and 21 bands, respectively). An equalizer on the Master bus can be useful for cutting low and high frequencies that the device's speakers can't reproduce well. For example, phone or tablet speakers usually don't reproduce low frequency sounds well, and could make a limiter or compressor attenuate sounds that aren't even audible to the user anyway.

Note: The equalizer effect can be disabled when headphones are plugged in, giving the user the best of both worlds.


Filter (filtre) est ce dont héritent tous les autres filtres et ne doit pas être utilisé directement.


Coupe les fréquences en dessous d'une fréquence spécifique Cutoff. Le HighPassFilter est utilisé pour réduire le contenu en basses fréquences d'un signal.


Réduit toutes les fréquences au-dessus d'une fréquence spécifique Cutoff.

Limiteur (Limiter)

A limiter is similar to a compressor, but it's less flexible and designed to prevent a signal's amplitude exceeding a given dB threshold. Adding a limiter to the final point of the Master bus is good practice, as it offers an easy safeguard against clipping.


Coupe les fréquences au-dessus d'une fréquence Cutoff spécifique et peut également résonner (amplifie les fréquences proches de la fréquence Cutoff). Des filtres passe-bas peuvent être utilisés pour simuler un son "étouffé". Par exemple, les sons sous-marins, les sons bloqués par les murs ou les sons éloignés.


Réduit toutes les fréquences en dessous d'une fréquence spécifique Cutoff.

Filtre coupe-bande (NotchFilter)

À l'opposé du BandPassFilter, il supprime une bande de son du spectre de fréquences à une fréquence de coupure donnée.


The Panner allows the stereo balance of a signal to be adjusted between the left and right channels. Headphones are recommended when configuring in this effect.


This effect is formed by de-phasing two duplicates of the same sound so they cancel each other out in an interesting way. Phaser produces a pleasant whooshing sound that moves back and forth through the audio spectrum, and can be a great way to create sci-fi effects or Darth Vader-like voices.

Changement de hauteur (PitchShift)

This effect allows the adjustment of the signal's pitch independently of its speed. All frequencies can be increased/decreased with minimal effect on transients. PitchShift can be useful to create unusually high or deep voices. Do note that altering pitch can sound unnatural when pushed outside of a narrow window.

Enregistrer (Record)

L'effet Enregistrer permet à l'utilisateur d'enregistrer l'audio provenant d'un microphone.

Réverbération (Reverb)

Reverb simulates rooms of different sizes. It has adjustable parameters that can be tweaked to obtain the sound of a specific room. Reverb is commonly outputted from Area3Ds (see Reverb buses), or to apply a "chamber" feel to all sounds.


This effect doesn't alter audio, instead, you add this effect to buses you want a spectrum analysis of. This would typically be used for audio visualization. Visualizing voices can be a great way to draw attention to them without just increasing their volume. A demo project using this can be found here.

Amélioration Stéréo (StereoEnhance)

This effect uses a few algorithms to enhance a signal's stereo width.